CPRE Members are invited to a stargazing evening: 14th November
See the night sky in a new light at our autumn event
CPRE members are invited to an evening at the Alston Observatory on 14 November 2023 from 7 – 9 pm. The event is free of charge and is intended for adults and older teenagers rather than young children. Alston Observatory is near Preston, and is part of the University of Central Lancashire.
The evening will be led by Dr Mark Norris, who is the director of the observatory, and we will be using their state of the art robotic Moses Holden telescope, which is used to teach the astronomy undergraduates.
If we are unlucky with the weather, then there is a planetarium on which astronomy movies are displayed and projectors for slide shows. In light of dark skies being a campaign priority for CPRE, Mark will refer to the importance of dark skies in his talk and the observations.
The event is free and open to CPRE members only, but places are strictly limited, and booking is essential.
A reminder email, including directions to the observatory, will be sent out in the days leading up to the event.