CPRE response to GMCA ‘Places for Everyone’ development plan
Greater Manchester Combined Authority, on behalf of the local planning authorities across Greater Manchester, has submitted the ‘Places for Everyone’ Joint Development Plan for examination.
The examination will consider if the proposed policies and site allocations are sound in terms of whether they have been positively prepared, are justified, are effective and are consistent with national planning policy.
We submitted our hearing statement’s, which are available for download below, in response to the Inspector’s Matters, Issues, and Questions (MIQ) documents below, covering the topics of :
- Legal and addendum (IN8 and IN 8.1)
- Thematic policies (IN9)
- Allocations (IN10)
- Green Belt additions (IN11)
CPRE has been meeting with community groups across Greater Manchester to provide advice on how they can best articulate on local issues. Key points are to stick to answering the inspectors’ MIQs and follow the guidance provided. It is important to be proportionate and courteous.
The examination starts on the 1st November. For all information concerning the programme, examination news, and submission and evidence base documents please visit the external examination website http://www.hwa.uk.com/projects/gmca/